
Showing posts from 2020

Living Through the Unknown

Well... this sure is a scary time to be alive, isn't it? This recent pandemic has been so scary for so many people. Myself included. This time of unknown and uncharted territory can bring about so much fear, panic and stress in peoples lives. And it has. People are hoarding supplies. Schools are shutting down. Jobs are being cut. So many lives are being affected. How can we deal with the daily fear and stress? No idea. As someone who suffers from anxiety and OCD, this is such a terrifying time. I was already having a pity party about being in Maryland. I sat down recently and told Kris that I wasn't happy here. I told him that I am someone who thrives off community and support. And that is something that we lack in Maryland. I find myself feeling so bad for myself. I even had the thought, "Maybe I am not supposed to be happy here. Maybe my job is just to support Kris, and raise my kids." What a martyr. Then I heard a song by Jeremy Camp titled, "Keep Me In The ...

Welcome to Maryland!

Hello, and greetings from Huntingtown, Maryland! Our new home for the next 2.5 years or so. We have lived here for 17 days. And things are already in full swing! The house is pretty much put together, aside from a few boxes and such. The girls started school immediately, and have already made some wonderful friends! We have had multiple play dates, met some sweet new friends, and Evelynn has joined Girl Scouts! The girls have taken to their new home with such ease and grace; I could learn a thing or two from them. For me, the move has been an exciting and scary change. As I have stated before, I have lived in California for my entire life. This move was not expected and came quickly. Well, the news of the move came quickly, but I had a long 9 months to worry, think and ignore the fact that we were moving. The first week was full of so much excitement! My sister flew out with us, so we had fun checking out all of the sites with Auntie Bre! Finding our new grocery store, getting acquai...