The Big Move!

Hello everyone! It has been almost two months since my last blog post, and a lot has happened! As I have mentioned before, we are moving to Maryland in February, Kris actually leaves in January. When we first found out about the move, it was hard. But it seemed unreal. It was in the future and not worth stressing over. Well, here we are, mid December, and it has become all too real. Painfully real. I must admit, I have not handled it as well as I thought that I would. But, I will go into that later.

I will start by saying that we were very fortunate to receive a full-price offer on our home! What a blessing. However, our home sold in less than a week. I was not prepared for everything to move along so quickly. So instead of selling our home after the holidays like I had hoped, and moving into my parents for a week or two, we were out by November 20th. We moved into a townhouse. With none of our furniture. Just rentals and borrowed furniture from amazing family and friends. Our home belongings and furnishings are in Maryland, waiting for us. But selling our home, wow. That was hard. This was our first home as a family. The home where I brought my two miracle girls home from the hospital. The home where Kris and I truly fell in love and became a partnership. Our home has seen laughter. Love. Growth. Arguments. Tears. Deployments. Homecomings. Kris and I both haven't lived in a home for this long since our childhood homes. To say we were attached is an understatement. There were tears from both of us. But, this is the military, right? I guess. I just haven't had to do THIS part of the military. And this part sucks.

And the stress; the stress was intense. I kept it together for the most part, until the actual packing and condo stuff began. Then, I wound up in the emergency room. I was so stressed out, and my blood pressure was so high, the my heart was doing something called premature ventricular contractions. Which can be common, but when they happened every two minutes, its painful. I was released and told to rest, and be calm. In all honestly, I think that the ER visit was a gift. I was so constant, and so stressed, that I over did it. I needed to be reminded to slow down. To breathe. And to ask for help. Kris is amazing, and was at the house with the movers during the packing process. It was just too hard for me. So, I took on the condo. And turned it into a home. We make a pretty amazing team.

And now that we are in the condo, back to a routine, sadness is setting in. I have lived in Santa Maria for the better part of 34 years. My family is here. My life. I am raising my little girls alongside my brother and his kids. And I love that more than anything. I stop by my parents house multiple times a week just to say hi. My grandparents live here. My aunt. My best friends. My sister and her family are just three hours away; an easy drive. I can't imagine not having that for the next 2.5 years. I can't imagine leaving a town that has supported me through cancer and through losing Dan. Dan. I am leaving the town where I buried my late Husband. That one hurts. But I know that I will be back. And I know that my family and EOD family will continue to visit and honor him. And at the end of the day, I know that Dan's soul is in Heaven, and that I can honor him wherever I am. And I will. Speaking of EOD family, I have felt so at home at VAFB. First as Dan wife, then Dan's widow, and now Kris' fiancé, Vandenberg has loved and supported me every step of my journey. I have been so blessed by them all.

With all of that being said, I am ready. I am ready to take on this challenge, and this new adventure. I feel very fortunate to be moving closer to my step-children, and to be closer to Kris' family. He hasn't lived this close to his hometown in over 17 years. We will make memories. We will build friendships. And we will enjoy Maryland. Knowing that we will be returning home after a few short years helps so much. It is time to put the sadness ahead, and to embrace this future for my family!



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